
Power Optimization for the 4.5 MW Gold Tree Solar Array

Cal Poly’s Gold Tree Solar Array suffers from interrow shading, an issue that can devastate a solar plant’s power output. The array can control panel tilt angles to avoid such shading, but the current control parameters fail to do so properly, and the problem is made worse by highly skewed topography. Since trial-and-error testing on the site itself is unfeasible, we used site measurements and first principles to construct a functioning model of the array and its power output in MATLAB. This continuing work, upon fulfilling its ultimate objectives, will provide a fast and convenient tool to test tracking parameters for eventual power optimization.

GOLD Tree power optimization

This project was a continuation of the work done by previous SURP students to help improve the performance of the Gold Tree Solar Farm. Specifically this year we worked on helping to create a model to predict the power output at any given time based on weather conditions.

Optimization of Playing Time Allocation in Youth Sports

Conflicts regarding playing time allocation in youth sports are a recurring problem. Although some tools exist to help coaches provide equal playing time for their players, they do not create an optimized substitution schedule for an entire season. Our team addressed this problem by using binary goal programming to create substitution schedules for youth basketball and soccer that balanced equal playing time with performance goals. The resultant substitution patterns were posted on our website for youth sports coaches to use for their teams.

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