Small but mighty: analysis and test for the handling of 100W by a 3U small satellite

This summer, we worked on the design of a small, high-powered satellite. This involved developing a system to handle 100 W of power, thermal simulation of the spacecraft, and developing a database of components.

Our Team

Nathaniel Gilman

Thermal lead

Nathaniel Gilman is a 3rd-year aerospace engineering student from  Gig Harbor, Washington. Nathaniel is always looking for ways to gain more experience with space environments, testing, and manufacturing.

Mizuki Small

Database lead

Mizuki Small is a 3rd year aerospace engineering student, concentrating in astronautics from San Diego, California. She is also pursuing a minor in sustainable environments. 


EleCtrical Power System

Kevin Nottberg is a 5th year Computer Engineering (BS) and Electrical Engineering (MS) major from Loveland, Colorado. Kevin is interested in space and silicon.


Patrick Jackson

Electrical Power System Lead

Patrick Jackson is a 3rd year Electrical Engineering major from Pasadena, California. Patrick is seeking a career in the aerospace industry and is interested in power electronics design. 


We are extremely appreciative of our faculty advisor, Pauline Faure, for the opportunity to participate in this flight mission. Her input was extremely valuable for the project as well as our experience.

Our Project Video

Our Project Slides

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Image Caption
Screenshot of on board computer table in the database

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