
Analyzing RFID Data Streams to Improve Boeing’s Supply Chain & Logistics Operations

Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that can identify and track tags attached to objects using electromagnetic fields. Throughout Boeing’s main supply chain & logistics facilities, RFID technology is used to track the movement of their inventory, tools, machinery, and employees. This system generates hundreds of thousands of data points, and our task was to analyze this data to provide Boeing with meaningful insights about their facilities. Our final product consisted of an interactive Tableau dashboard that can easily showcase the most important metrics. Our hope is that Boeing can continue to use and build upon our work to enable a faster, more efficient supply chain.

Fleet Management via RFID

Our project was to develop a new fleet management system for Boeing. Currently, when tagged assets are within Boeing’s facilities, they are tracked by a grid of RFID readers. However once the tagged assets get into Boeing’s transportation trucks, they are no longer tracked by the RFID readers. So the goal of our project was to develop a new system model which incorporated a RFID reader to Boeing licensed trucks, which would be able to track tagged assets while they were in transit.

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